NTC competition teams - Doraly Blanton, Holly Jordan, Jeremy Dailey, Caitlin Banks, Drake Jones, Haley Kairab and Luke McGahren

Congratulations to third-year student Holly C. Jordan and second-year student M. Drake Jones for winning Region VI of the National Trial Competition. A second Georgia team comprised of third-year student Doraly G. Blanton and second-year students Caitlin M. Banks and M. Luke McGahren finished as regional semifinalists. Notably, McGahren was named best advocate of the competition. Jordan and Jones will represent UGA at the national tier of the competition to be held during April.

community help clinic members

The University of Georgia School of Law is pleased to announce the creation of the Community Health Law Partnership Clinic Fund. The Thorpe family, which includes 2014 alumnus Benjamin W. “Ben” Thorpe and his mother Dr. Barbara Williams, has pledged $350,000 to enable the clinic to build on its tradition of interdisciplinary advocacy at the intersection of immigration status and health.

madeleine hoss and benjamin prices

Appellate Litigation Clinic participants and third-year students Madeleine B. "Maddie" Hoss and Benjamin K. "Ben" Price argued before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit in Stout v. Preston County Sheriff’s Department, a case involving their client's excessive force claim against a deputy who ordered a K-9 to “apprehend” him during his arrest. Both Hoss and Price helped to write the briefs. Third-year student Leila Y. Harrison helped the pair prepare for the argument.

jake shatzer and Max Abramson outside of the US Court of Appeals

Appellate Litigation Clinic participant and third-year student Jake R. Shatzer argued before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit in Hernandez-Diaz v. Garland, a case involving two siblings’ requests for asylum and withholding of removal. Second-year student Vladyslav "Vlad" Rudzinsky and 2023 alumnus Justin W. Tilghman helped write the briefs, while third-year student Max J. Abramson helped Shatzer prepare for the argument.

joshua patton, kendra oiglane and hunter payne holding the 2024 Hunter Andrews Kurth national moot court trophy

Congratulations to third-year students Kendra Hansey Õiglane, Joshua H. Patton and Hunter T. Payne for winning the 2024 Hunton Andrews Kurth Moot Court National Championship. This invitation-only tournament is reserved for the top 16 moot court programs from law schools across the country based on performances from the previous academic year. This is the second year in a row that UGA has won this competition. The School of Law also captured this national title in 2019 and 2014.