News @ Georgia Law Feb. 2013 Student Profile

Courtney Coons



Name:  Courtney Allison Coons
Age:  25
Hometown:  Monroe, La.
Expected graduation year:  2014
Georgia Law extracurricular activities: WIPI Conference, Georgia Association of Law & Politics, Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law
Undergraduate degree / institution / year: B.S. Psychology / Georgia Institute of Technology / 2009


1. Why did you choose to attend Georgia Law?
I knew I wanted to stay in Georgia. I was really impressed by the public interest and clinic opportunities, and I just couldn’t argue with the price. It really was the best deal.


2. Thus far, what is your most memorable experience from your time at Georgia Law?
I was the first person called on the first day of my 1L year – it wasn’t even technically the first day! It was the last day of orientation where the 1Ls did double Civil Procedure. I remember thinking that I had no idea what I was talking about and just hoping I was in the ballpark.


3. What is your favorite activity/club/clinic that you are involved with at the law school?
Definitely the Working in the Public Interest Conference, so far.


4. What made you decide to join/enroll in that activity?
I came to WIPI as an admitted student and ever since then I knew I wanted to be a part of it. Each year there are new and interesting panel discussions, bringing practitioners and students from all over, and I thought it was great to see everyone together.


5. What do you enjoy most about it?
Seeing how passionate people can be about public interest work. There are so many students and practitioners who love doing the work that they do, and their dedication is really awesome.


6. What are your hobbies?
I really enjoy cooking, playing with my dogs, and I’ve recently taken up cross-stitching again. It sounds boring, but it’s a great way to unwind without watching TV.


7. Where is your favorite place to study? Why?
The Annex. It’s quiet, and there are no dogs or Netflix to distract me. I’m easily distracted.


8. What are two things you always have to have with you when you study?
Highlighters and music.


9. What do you like most about living in Athens?
Athens is a really special place, I feel. There’s such an amazing sense of community in this town that can be hard to find elsewhere. Also, I think the food here beats any other place I’ve lived.


10. What do you do to handle the stress of law school?
I’m part of the local roller derby team. It’s an amazing group of women, and we practice three days a week – and they can be really physically intense practices. It keeps me in shape, lets me relieve stress and gives me at least 7 hours a week where law school can’t touch me.