If you wish to reference the University of Georgia School of Law or use a School of Law or UGA logo on printed materials, hats, t-shirts, etc., UGA requires that you have approval and use a licensed vendor when creating your materials. Please contact the law school's Office of Marketing and Communications with the following required information to obtain your approval:
- The name of your organization
- The items you are having created
- The purpose of your materials (why you are creating it, how you plan to distribute it and what you plan to do with the proceeds if you are selling it)
- The vendor's name, address, telephone number and contact person
- The quantity of items you are ordering
- A mock-up or virtual proof of the item to be created, accurately depicting all graphics and text to be included
The Office of Marketing and Communications can also provide you access to quality versions of various UGA and School of Law logos.
Contacts for further information or assistance:
Heidi Murphy
(706) 543-5487