intramural comp

Congratulations to second-year students Paige M. Batten and Garfield A. McIntyre Jr. for winning the Intramural Mock Trial Competition. Many thanks to finalists Taylor L. Stablein and Mona E. Abboud, both second-year students, and the other competitors for contributing to a wonderful tournament.

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Clinical Associate Professor & Jane W. Wilson Family Justice Clinic Director Christine M. Scartz offers insight on the upcoming U.S. Supreme Court case U.S. v. Rahimi:  “The prohibition on firearms possession by those subject to civil protective orders filled an important gap for victims of domestic violence. Persons convicted of felonies and misdemeanor crimes of domestic violence are prohibited from the possession of firearms; however, for many victims, civil protective orders are the only court recognition of the dangerousness of their abusers. Victims deserve to be protected regardless of whether the criminal justice system is involved in and responsive to the violence in their lives.”

troup county legal clinic

The School of Law participated in a pop-up legal clinic during October in Troup County that offered free civil legal advice and referrals to residents. Public Interest Practicum Director Elizabeth M. Grant, Wilson Family Justice Clinic Director Christine M. Scartz and Veterans Legal Clinic Director Alexander W. “Alex” Scherr participated in the event, providing consultation in numerous areas of the law. Second-year students John A. Omotunde and Thomas P. Crabb also participated in the event, giving advice to some participants and shadowing attorneys during the three-hour event.

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Smith Professor Hillel Y. Levin offers insight on the upcoming U.S. Supreme Court case U.S. v. Rahimi:  "The case U.S. v. Rahimi is the first opportunity since New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc. v. Bruen for the U.S. Supreme Court to consider its application to a firearms restriction. I am particularly interested to see if the Supreme Court takes the opportunity to refine or reformulate the Bruen test in a manner that makes it somewhat easier for the federal and state governments to craft sensible firearms restrictions. I am hopeful for the Supreme Court to do so because the Bruen test is out of step with the rest of constitutional law and is unworkable in practice.”

bar pass

For the 10th consecutive year, University of Georgia School of Law graduates have led the state in the Georgia bar exam passage rate. Law school graduates who sat for the July 2023 exam posted the highest rate for first-time takers among all of the state’s law schools – and more than 14 percent ahead of the overall first-time pass rate.