The Law Library’s team management structure emphasizes the involvement of all staff in decision-making processes appropriate to each individual’s level of expertise.  Policy decisions are adopted by consensus, not majority or unanimity rule.  Accordingly all participants do not necessarily agree wholeheartedly with each policy decision.  However, based upon group discussions and input, staff reach consensus and agree to abide by group decisions.  

Steering Group

The Steering Group assumes primary responsibility for governance of the Law Library. The Director and all library faculty are members of the Steering Group. 

Its roles include:

  • Facilitating communication and mutual understanding between teams
  • Approving and overseeing all library policies
  • Monitoring and evaluating expenditures
  • Maintaining wish lists for improvements
  • Ensuring that the business of the Law Library is conducted effectively

Team Structure

  • All staff are a member of at least one management team
  • The Steering Group reviews team assignments annually based upon staff interest, level of employee expertise and team needs
  • The Steering Group evaluates the team structure annually to determine if all teams are still needed and whether new teams should be created

 Last reviewed:  May 2012