Our faculty are leaders in scholarship, teaching and service, as detailed in our faculty profiles. Here are highlights of their recent achievements:

Assistant Professor Lindsey Simon was featured in Crain's New York Business regarding the buyer extension in the Barneys New York bankruptcy case. The article titled "As Barneys races to find a buyer, vendors fear getting left behind" was written by Catherine Curan and published 10/4/19.

Callaway Chair of Law Emeritus Ronald L. Carlson's book Carlson on Evidence (with M. Carlson) was recently cited by the Georgia Supreme Court in the case Hills v. State. This citation marks the 46th Georgia appellate court (Supreme and Court of Appeals) decision wherein the courts utilized Carlson's book to resolve evidentiary issues.

Clinical Assistant Professor & Jane W. Wilson Family Justice Clinic Director Christine M. Scartz published "Why is the Protective Order Project Still in Business; or, if the Family Justice Clinic Has Been at it So Long, Why Hasn't Anything Changed? Domestic Violence as a Continuing Societal Concern" in 53 Georgia Law Review Online 127 (2019) (with third-year student C. Reese).

Martin Chair Andrea L. Dennis and her book Rap on Trial: Race, Lyrics, and Guilt in America were featured in the Library Journal. The article titled "Spotlight: Erik Nielson and Andrea L. Dennis" was written by Mahnaz Dar and the book review was written by Genevieve Williams, both appeared in the October 2019 issue.

Assistant Clinical Professor and Wilbanks Child Endangerment and Sexual Exploitation Clinic Director Emma M. Hetherington was featured in USA Today and various other outlets regarding her thoughts on organizations lobbying against child abuse statutes. The article titled "The Catholic Church and Boy Scouts are lobbying against child abuse statutes. This is their playbook" was written by Marisa Kwiatkowski and John Kelly and published 10/2/19.