News & Priority Tasks

UGA Law Student Organizations must register with the office of Engagement, Leadership, and Service (ELS) at the Tate Center. See the Student Organization Resources page maintained by ELS for details regarding this process.

Using the UGA Involvement Network



Supplier (Vendor) Registration

Non-Employee Payment Form (for honorariums and reimbursements)

Expenditures Report

Justification for Food Purchase

Request for Outdoor Signage

IT Equipment Request Form 


Useful Links & Information

Request to Plan Student Event & Room Reservation

UGA Student Conduct

UGA Policy on Alcohol and Other Drugs

Guidlines Concerning University Events where Alcohol is Served

UGA Engagement, Leadership, and Service

Using a School of Law or UGA logo

Request to Update a Student Organization Webpage


Announcement Listservs is a moderated list to which students can post messages. While all incoming students will be subscribed to these lists, in fact, students may unsubscribe or resubscribe from these lists whenever they choose.

This listserv triggers your message to about 700 enrolled law students. FYI, although enrolled students can opt-ON or -OFF this listserv, in practice only a handful are -OFF at any given time.

There are also announcement listservs that are specific to each class:,, and

Student posters must be fully aware of all rules governing student use of listservs, as follows:

  • All postings must be consistent with all University of Georgia and University of Georgia School of Law rules and guidelines, along with all relevant laws of the United States and the State of Georgia.
  • All proposed postings must be approved before appearing on the listserv. The moderator charged with the responsibility for enforcing the rules is Casey Graham, Director of Student Affairs. The posting rules shall be construed liberally by the moderator.
  • The moderating function will be exercised during working hours during weekdays (Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.).
  • The listservs will only accept a message posted from an enrolled law student's account and addressed to:

Announcement Listserv messages must relate to one of the following categories:

a) announcement by officers of recognized Law School student organizations concerning meetings, events, projects, achievements and similar matters; announcements may not contain any reference to the sale or distribution of alcoholic beverages; or,

b) lost and found messages posted by individual law students concerning property lost or found in the Law School.

More student listserv information at < >.