Foxglove Plant Bar (1063 Baxter St Suite 600, Athens, GA 30606)

Join SBA and fellow law students at Foxglove Plant Bar and build your own terrarium on Friday, January 27 from 5-7 PM! You can come any time during this time frame (but please arrive by 6:30 at the latest to ensure you can finish assembling your terrarium).

There are a few different pricing options so please read carefully:

1. The first 12 SBA members to fill out this form - the cost is $15 per person.

2. Non-SBA members - the cost is $30 per person (this is a discounted price from their normal cost).

3. SBA members beyond the first 12 - the cost is $30 per person (this is a discounted price from their normal cost).

Once you fill out this form, I will inform you if you are in the first 12 people to get the $15 pricing.

You MUST send your payment by Wednesday, January 25.

Registration Link -

Contact Name
Alexandra Hammock
Contact Email

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